
The vision of sharing the gospel to those who had not heard it, was shared by late Mr. K. A. Peter with the preaching of the word of God at Brookefield Farms of Mrs. Kasthuri Stephen for the people around on 26th May 1979 and continued with healing ministry by Brother Sunil Stephen thus leading to the need to have a regular prayers and worship; on 26th May 1985 “Shalom Prayer House” was established. As the need for growth arose the members of the Shalom prayer house invited India Church of the Nazarene, Karnataka/AP District to organize this into a fully fledged church on 24th January 1988 with Mr. M. Christadas as its full time pastor.
Looking at the growth Mrs. Kasthuri Stephen decided to give 3 guntas (3,000 Sqft) of her property for the Church Building, a foundation stone was laid by the Mission Director Rev. Bronnel A. Greer on 30th March 1990. As the ministry further expanded God worked through Dr. Robert H. Scott, Director, World Mission Division of the Church of the Nazarene to identify a “Price Family” Dan and Becky Black, California to contribute towards the construction of the Church Building. Thus, Dr. Franklin Cook, Regional Director, Rev. Arlen W. Jakobitze, Mission Director, Rev. Frank E. Dewey, President ICON, Rev. S. Dinakaran, District Superintendent, K/AP, and Pastor along with the Church Board members, took decision for the construction of the church building on 24th November 1991. The Church construction began on 5th May 1992 and was inaugurated on 24th January 1993 by Dr. Robert H. Scott, in the presence of Dr. Franklin Cook, Mr. Dan and Becky Black, Rev. Arlen W. Jacobite others.

Our Vision

Being rooted in the word, with the help of the holy Spirit witnessing to the local community and all people of Karnataka and beyond leading to make “Christ like Disciples” of every age group.​

Our Mission

  1. Sharing the message of Christ in every form and method leading those transformed into discipleship of every age group, developing and planting churches as Lord leads.
  2. To show the Love of Christ in action, raise resources and meet the needs of the vulnerable members of the congregation, community and beyond.
  3. To pray for the district ministry, the global mission and support respectively.
  4. To be a Church that Concentrates on (Luke 2:52).:
  • M= Missional Focus
  • O= Organizational Effectiveness
  • D = Doctrinal Integrity
  • E = Educational Priority
  • L = Leadership Development
  • S= Spiritual Vibrancy

Our Ministries

Sunday Worship:
​Sunday 9:30 - 11:00 am

Communion Service:
​Every Month: 2nd Sunday

Sunday School DMI:
​Sunday 10:00 - 11:00 am

NMI Meet
​Friday 19:00 - 20:00

NYI Meet
1nd & 3rd Sunday 11:30am – 12:30 pm​

Cottage / Cell ​Meet
​Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm

Church of the Nazarene

The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas.